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The MongoDB manages the printer and job data.

The following directories and files are created:

Storage Category of the Database Files

The location of the database files is specified in the MongoDB configuration file.

Database Backup

Several ways are possible for backing up the database. They are described in the MongoDB Documentation.

Possible methods:

Access Methods

With the command line tool mongo, you can access the database. Several software vendors offer user interfaces. Some of them are referenced in the MongoDB Documentation.

Caution - writing

Be careful with reading and writing into the database!

Storage Structure

The MongoDB is a schema-less and document-orientated NoSQL database. It does not use table but combines documents to collections. These documents may have different structures. The structure is created during runtime.

Add a Database User

After the installation, the user authentification of the MongoDB is disabled. For activating the user authentication, execute the following script as root user in a shell:

  • C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\infrastructure\seal-mongodb\secure-mongo.ps1

SSL Encryption

After the default installation, the SSL encryption in the MongoDB is disabled. When installing SEAL Print Client, the following items are set in the configuration file C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\infrastructure\config\mongod.conf:

      mode: requireSSL
      PEMKeyFile: <Path to SSL certificate>
      CAFile: <Path to CA certificate>
  • mode specifies the transfer mode.

  • PEMKeyFile is mandatory and specifies the path to the file in PEM format which contains the private key and the SSL certificate.

  • CAFile is optional and specifies the path to the CA certificate in PEM format. If the certificate exists, it is checked for validity when the connection is established. Unless it exists, in case of self-signed certificates for example, the connection will be encrypted only.

Caution - security gap

With every POSSYS 5 installation, the same self-sign certificates are used. An official customer certificate has to be entered into PEMKeyFile immediately after the installation.

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