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Key Value Store

The key value store of Consul manages the SEAL Print Client configuration. It contains the settings of the services and the service instances.

If Consul is running in a cluster, the settings stored in the key value store are distributed. Therefore, a failure of a Consul node does not affect the integrity of the key value store.

The available settings are listed in the reference of the Keys.

Change the Configuration of a Service

Consul Web Interface

This is how you change the settings of a service:

  1. Open the Consul Web interface

    • https://<operator_server>:8500
  2. Select Key Value.

  3. Select the service in dc/home/env/service.

  4. Select the key in dc/home/env/service/<service_name>/tag/any/.

  5. Change the setting of the key.

The available values are listed in the reference of the Keys.

Background Knowledge


After starting a server instance, envconsul monitors the configuration changes in the key value store. After a setting has been changed, envconsul restarts the service instances with the updated settings. Changes in the key value store not regarding to the service instance are ignored.

Consul Key Value Store


The keys in the key value store are structured hierarchically. The settings of a SEAL Print Client system begin with the following path:

  • /dc/home/env

For each service instance, both the service name and one or more tags are specified. A tag is any text without blanks.

Both specifications can be used for identifying the instance to which the setting applies. Each setting is saved under the following path:

  • /service/<service_name>/tag/<tag_name>.

Example - service instance for a PLOSSYS netdome connector

The path contains all settings for the service instances that accept data via the PLOSSYS netdome connector.


Example - all services

This path contains settings applying to all services. Replacing only the service name or the tag name is possible, too.


The name of the key is appended to the path.

Example - log level for all instances

This key contains the LOG_LEVEL setting for all instances of all services.



The available values for a key are described in the reference of the Keys.

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