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Replace the (Preinstalled) Consul Encyrption Key

  1. Switch to the directory of the Consul program files:

    • C:\Program Files\seal\infrastructure\seal-consul-agent
  2. Create a new symmetric key:

    • .\consul.exe keygen

    The new key is displayed.

  3. Distribute the new key in the Consul cluster:

    • .\consul.exe keyring -install <new_key>
  4. Activate the new key:

    • .\consul.exe keyring -use <new_key>
  5. Delete the old key:

    • .\consul.exe keyring -remove <old_key>

Show the Installed Encryption Keys

This is how you display all keys known to the Consul cluster:

  • .\consul.exe keyring -list

Hint - key

The active key is highlighted.

GfTiHCQsAMdYyUKN+BYhMw== is the default key set during the installation.

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