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Manage the SEAL Print Client Services

SEAL Print Client consists of serveral services. In order to start SEAL Print Client, start all dependent services.

The service commands descriped below are executed via PowerShell scripts on windows and bash scripts on linux.

  • On a Windows system the execution policy has to be set to RemoteSigned at least, see the Microsoft Documentation about execution policies.

  • On a Linux system the logged in user has to be in the sudoers list.

Start the SEAL Print Client Services

  • operator service start <value>

Available values:

  • no value

    All services beginning with seal- and installed on the server are started.

  • <service_name> <service_name> ...

    The specified services are started.

  • -

    The list of services to be started is read from standard input.

Stop the SEAL Print Client Services

  • operator service stop <value>

Available values:

  • no value

    All services installed on the server beginning with seal- are stopped.

  • <service_name> <service_name> ...

    The specified services are stopped.

  • -

    The list of services to be started is read from standard input.

Check the Status of the SEAL Print Client Services

  • operator service status <value>

Available values:

  • no value

    All services installed on the server beginning with seal- are displayed.

  • <service_name> <service_name> ...

    The specified services are displayed.

  • -

    The list of services to be started is read from standard input.

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