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Vault secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. It manages the user credentials for the backend systems.

Replace the Pre-Installed Keys

Vault starts in the developers mode after the installation. For security reasons, the following configuration steps are recommended:

  1. Configure the settings for the file storage in

    • C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\infrastructure\config\vault.hcl
  2. Insert or change the following lines:

    storage "file" {
      path = "C:\ProgramData\SEAL Systems\infrastructure\data\vault\"
    listener "tcp" {
      address     = ""
  3. As administrator, create the root token and the unseal key using the following script:

    • C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\infrastructure\seal-vault\secure-vault.ps1

    Hint - memorize the root token and unseal key

    Memorize the generated root token and the unseal key. You need the unseal key whenever restarting the seal-vault service.

  4. Restart the seal-vault Service

    • vault operator unseal -format=json -tls-skip-verify <unsealKey>

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